Men Respond To Piers Morgan Calling Papooses 'Emasculating'
Why have men the last 24 hours tweeted pictures of themselves with their children strapped on their chest? It’s because Piers Morgen has a problem with papooses. Oh, and also Star Wars, apparently.
Carrying my children has been one of the most enjoyable parts of fatherhood
— Lee Rowles (@LeeRowles) October 16, 2018
A very old fashioned and unsavoury attitude to have when your view is that this is wholly abnormal.
— Rowland Woolley (@Woolley_Bear) October 16, 2018
Takes a real strong man to shame the way a father carries his baby, Piers. I don’t have kids, but this is Kaiju. She’s a 6.5lb Pomeranian and somehow still more “alpha” than you’ll ever be.
— Kevin Burke (@KevinBurke32) October 16, 2018
I just expressed a genuinely held opinion that papooses are emasculating, embarrassing & unnecessary - and the virtue-signalling world’s gone bonkers.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 16, 2018
Bro, do you even lift?
— Nguyen Do (@En_Be_Do) October 16, 2018
They are a handy job sir
— conor mc cullagh (@scoot871) October 16, 2018
Oh no I need my man card back!
— Leo (@ingeniousleo) October 16, 2018
Uh oh. Guess you’re not going to like this photo of me speaking at a rally against Islamophobia with my baby girl in a carrier...
— Simran Jeet Singh (@SikhProf) October 16, 2018
— GoatLifestyle (@GoatLifestyle_) October 16, 2018
Oh 007.. not you as well?!!! #papoose #emasculatedBond
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 15, 2018
It all started when Piers Morgan, an English journalist currently working for television show Good Morning Britain, went after 007-actor Daniel Craig.
After Morgan took a stab at Craig, for carrying a papoose, fathers on Twitter started to respond to his tweets.
Morgan seemed to enjoy the debate, and continued describing how “emasculating, embarrassing & unnecessary” papooses were. He also mentioned he hated Star Wars almost as much as papooses.
“Oh 007.. not you as well?!!! #papoose #emasculatedBond
4:07 PM - 16 Oct 2018
Oh I carried all my kids, Leigh.
I just did it with my arms, not a papoose.
12:17 PM - 16 Oct 2018
I just expressed a genuinely held opinion that papooses are emasculating, embarrassing & unnecessary - and the virtue-signalling world’s gone bonkers.
12:20 PM - 16 Oct 2018
No, I hate Star Wars almost as much as papooses.
12:22 PM - 16 Oct 2018”
Oh I carried all my kids, Leigh.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 16, 2018
I just did it with my arms, not a papoose.
I just expressed a genuinely held opinion that papooses are emasculating, embarrassing & unnecessary - and the virtue-signalling world’s gone bonkers.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 16, 2018
No, I hate Star Wars almost as much as papooses.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 16, 2018
In a series of tweets Piers Morgan claimed that men who used devices such as papooses to carry their babies, only did so because their wives/girlfriends told them to. Morgan says “Imagine being such a loser that it doesn’t upset you”, referring to an image of Daniel Craig carrying his child in a papoose.
Imagine being such a loser that it DOESN’T upset you.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 15, 2018
Why couldn’t he use his arms, like every other generation of dads?
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 16, 2018
They’re only doing it because their wives/girlfriends told them to..
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 16, 2018
Men on Twitter used the opportunity to show off their babies being being carried by them in papooses, and mocked Piers Morgan for the ideas he was trying to put into men’s heads.
My son is the biggest joy in my life! I will carry him and hold him as long as I can because one day I won’t be able to anymore! @piersmorgan you’re an evil human being!
— Todd Onohan (@toddieonohan) October 16, 2018
Ahaha, Piers, you flaccid old dick. I’ve seldom been happier in my life than when walking around with my babies strapped to me. What a loss for you that you’re too much of a man to be a dad.
— Nathan Fairbairn (@nathanfairbairn) October 15, 2018
Well said. My twin boys were preemies. My wife was very sick after delivering as well. One of my best memories, snuggling each of my guys. On the first day, I had a t-shirt, so they gave me a gown to wear. Wore button downs after that. Eat a dick, @piersmorgan.
— Matt, MD (@AnalyticalDoc) October 16, 2018
Piers Morgan is known for belittling those who call him out by using his fame. He also recently mocked gender identity.
“Hi Nadia, I have 6.4m followers, you have 52. So I’d avoid playing the relevancy card if I were you.
9:01 AM - 15 Oct 2018
You’re right, because I’m gender-fluid so currently identifying as Piersina.
8:27 AM - 16 Oct 2018”
Hi Nadia, I have 6.4m followers, you have 52. So I’d avoid playing the relevancy card if I were you.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 15, 2018
You’re right, because I’m gender-fluid so currently identifying as Piersina.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 16, 2018
At least she's not relevant for being a dick
— Pieke Roelofs (@PhotoandGrime) October 16, 2018
Below, some examples of tweets where Morgan is called out by Twitter users for his online behaviour. Enjoy!
I’ll do it all day long 😁😁
— Basil Nyoni (@bnyoni25) October 16, 2018
Piers Morgan: "Oh, let me post this pic of a dad carrying his baby, and specifically call him emasculated."
— The Lamityville Horror (@AnxiousPenman) October 16, 2018
Also Piers Morgan: "The twitter mob is bullying me for literally posting a pic of a man with his child with the express purpose of BULLYING HIM."
God that dude is trash.
What a pig he is
— Rosanna Arquette (@RoArquette) October 16, 2018
This is me wearing an Elsa dress after Lyric asked me to wear her Mom’s Halloween costume. I look ridiculous. But who cares? That’s what you do for your kids. I’m sure @piersmorgan would find this emasculating. I say only if you’re uncomfortable in your masculinity.
— Adam (Edge) Copeland (@EdgeRatedR) October 16, 2018
I see Piers Morgan’s got a new line in mugs at M&S.
— Tom Price (@pricetom) October 16, 2018
How insecure and weak must you be to comment on another man's masculinity for the fact he's carrying his child? @piersmorgan is hardly a man himself and more of a child in the way he's ran to @realDonaldTrump to fight his arguments. Grow up you douche.
— Opinionated Realist (@OpinionRealist) October 16, 2018
You really do peddle some absolute twaddle on twitter Piers.
— Rob Brown (@bobby_1982) October 16, 2018
Exactly. Like whatever you like.
— Myke (@Sinixstar) October 16, 2018
But making fun of someone for being a fucking father? What kind of asshole is this guy?
Piers Morgan, who constantly calls people snowflakes and says that people are too offended nowadays, has been tweeting through the night because he's angry that men hold their children
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) October 16, 2018
Seeing my husband carry our babies only makes him more of a man 😍
— Big Tree's Wife (@BigTreesWife) October 16, 2018
There was nothing better than taking my daughter for a walk in the sling when she was young. Gave my wife a break and some different scenery for my daughter. Never once felt "emasculated". What a ridiculous thought.
— Andy Smith (@asmith_1979) October 16, 2018
— Carlos Tejada (@CRTejada) October 16, 2018
"Yes sweetie?"
"What's a Piers Morgan?"
"Don't worry. It goes away with a wet wipe."
If it’s good enough for James Bond, it’s good enough for me.
— Will O'Neill (@wtoneill) October 16, 2018
I'm a stay-at-home dad. I have insecure dudes constantly acting like, somehow, parenting my child makes me less of a man. Speaks a lot on their perception of manhood.
— The Lamityville Horror (@AnxiousPenman) October 15, 2018 does not display third party advertisements because we believe information and knowledge that informs or protects the public, should be (clutter)free.
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