Twitter Verified "Elon Musk" The Scam Artist
Twitter verified “Elon Musk” the scam artist. Not the real Elon Musk, but a con artist who pretended to be Musk.
Apparently Twitter’s safety is a joke, which doesn’t surprise me, given - among others - the stalking of rape victims they allow. If you’re targeted for 5 months on Twitter, contacted by fake ‘secret agents’ and have been doxxed outside Twitter, the platform doesn’t care. I can say this from experience.
Twitter Safety (the non-existent department Twitter likes to pretend exists, which is mainly run by automatic bots) is so silly and non-functioning, that even a billionaire can be impersonated though. A billionaire who shoots cars to space.
Below, the “BRJapan” twitter handle, impersonating the real Elon Musk, in order to get attention. They offer 5000 Bitcoins to the community, in the hope people will participate in their giveaway, by promising bitcoins if you give them bitcoins. Their bio read: “Official Elon Musk Promotion Account”. Lol!
The account retweeted multiple tweets from the real Elon Musk, including comments from other users tweeted at Musk, before they started with their Twitter promotion scam. BRJapan also used the same profile picture as Musk, and name, to deceit people on Twitter. It even had a verified badge.
At 01:22 (Amsterdam Time) the Twitter accounts was still live. At 01:22, the account’s icon ‘disappeared’ and also their promotion tweets about Bitcoin. Suddenly their account read, among another things, “BANANA REPUBLIC JAPAN”, and was promoting something completely different: fashion clothing (?).
Right corner: 01:10
Right corner: 01:22
A bit later, at 01:31, the account had already tweeted 20 news tweets.
At 01:37, there were 80 new tweets.
As we speak, the account that gained many followers due to the scam, still hasn’t been suspended from Twitter.
If someone was trolling Twitter, well.. It worked. It’s time people start asking: Who runs the bots that are supposed to protect us? does not display third party advertisements because we believe information and knowledge that informs or protects the public, should be (clutter)free.
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