Yellow UV Glow in the Dark Drinks

Yellow UV Glow in the Dark Drinks

Are you Halloween ready? With this glow water recipe your blacklight party drinks will be! In this DIY video I will show you how to make them.

UV Glow in the dark water drinks vitamin B2 Riboflavin.gif

The ingredient you need for this recipe is vitamin B2, also known as Riboflavin. When mixed with water, Riboflavin becomes neon yellow. While Riboflavin is quite bitter, when used in small amounts in sweet translucent drinks you won't taste the bitterness. In the full video you can see which drinks I used to mix it with. does not display third party advertisements because we believe information and knowledge that informs or protects the public, should be (clutter)free.

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Fake UV Glow in the Dark Snow

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