Fake UV Glow in the Dark Snow
Who needs winter when you can create your own glow snow at home? In this DIY video I will show you how to make the UV reactive kind, fake snow that will glow in the dark in blacklight (ultraviolet light).
The first two ingredients you need for glow snow are shaving cream, and white/blue UV reactive face paint. I used PaintGlow's face paint for this. Mix the shaving cream with the paint, and watch how the shaving cream will start to glow when you mix it (don't forget to turn on your UV light!).
After you mixed the shaving cream and UV reactive face paint, you need to add cornstarch for the snow to form. Work slowly and stir well, while adding more cornstarch every time. Once you can form a 'snowball' with the fake snow, you're done!
Choo choo!
You can create a cool UV glow in the dark landscape with the fake snow!
Rainbow snow, a great sensory play idea!
For rainbow snow (or fairydust, what I like to call it), add different colours of UV reactive face paint to your snow!
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