‘You could turn this into a documentary,’ he said.
‘It will end with me dying,’ she said.
He said
She said
Only what did they say?
‘Time happens simultaneously’
So my death
my death
it already happened
in reverse
as I walked into the ocean
I saw the carcass of the world
He said
She said
Only what did they say?
‘Time happens simultaneously’
what is destiny
but mockery
of those too afraid
to take responsibility
what is faith
but a final resort
of those
too afraid to choose
You have blood on your hands
my blood on your hands
as you continue
to silence
He said
She said
Only what did they say?
‘Time happens simultaneously’
I fell to the earth
geometrical shapes shifted
the light illuminated
all parts of the world
and you weren’t there to see
as time happened simultaneously
as I was 4 years old
and Now at the same time
layers of reality
thirteen maybe
box after box
and shape after shape
as I fell right through them
and you weren’t there to see
I wasn’t there to see
because I was everything
at the same time
the trees
the birds
and all things beyond
as time started moving slower
back in reverse
He said
She said
Only what did she say?
‘I saw all things simultaneously’
The theory of everything
Layered clouds of reality
And the whites were like rainbows and the skies made of texture
and I was a fabric
woven in time
and it made me see
truly see
what happened to me
he said
she said
only what did he say
‘Go k- fuck yourself’
as he swallowed the words
but they were clear to me
Kill yourself
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