Make-up Tutorial: Gradient Ombre Lip Art
Make-up artists worldwide are experimenting more when it comes to lip art. In this make-up tutorial, in which I collaborated with MUA PUNCHINGPICTURES (Marly van den Bosch), Marly will share her technique on how to create gradient (or ombre) lips.
A gradient lip like this one isn't very wearable if you need to talk a lot (and wear gloss), but it surely looks nice for a beauty (lip) makeup photoshoot.
The products Marly used you can find throughout the video and in the list below.
Motives Color Perfection Quads in Light
Motives Mineral Gel Eyeliner in Little Black Dress
NYX Matte Lipstick in MLS07 Alabama
Rimmel Royal Gloss in 801 Gourmet does not display third party advertisements because we believe information and knowledge that informs or protects the public, should be (clutter)free.
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