Make-up Tutorial: Bronze and Gold Extreme Fashion Look -

In the Netherlands in 2015, of 1265 reported rapes only 85 led to a conviction. That’s 6.7%. In 2016, 6500 victims of sexual violence were registered with Slachtofferhulp in The Netherlands. 9 in 10 were women or girls. Since 2017, the courts in the Netherlands have not once imposed the maximum prison sentence of 12 years for rape. The highest sentence imposed was 6 years, the lowest 21 days. On average, a convicted rapist in the Netherlands spends 1 year and 5 months in prison.

Make-up Tutorial: Bronze and Gold Extreme Fashion Look

Make-up Tutorial: Bronze and Gold Extreme Fashion Look

Who likes to go all out when it comes to make-up? Make-up artist PUNCHINGPICTURES! Also known as Marly van den Bosch. Marly and I collaborated on a photoshoot, and decided to film the make-up as well so we could share the tutorial. In this video Marly will show you step by step how she created this fashion look.

Settings: Aperture F13, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.

Settings: Aperture F13, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.

You can find the make-up products she used throughout the video, and in the list below.


MAC Paintpot in Soft Ochre
Anastasia Beverly Hills eyeshadow in Burnt Orange
Melt Blurr
Anastasia Beverly Hills eyeshadow in Penny Metal
MAC Pigment in Old Gold
Bronze eye pencil
Grimas Mastix Extra
Stick on Pearls
Essence Get Big mascara
MAC Studio Concealer in NW20
Desio Innocent White lenses
eBay Flash Palette

* For the glowy and dewy skin makeup base, check out this tutorial for the products used in there.

Settings: Aperture F11, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.

Settings: Aperture F11, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.

Settings: Aperture F13, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.

Settings: Aperture F13, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.

Settings: Aperture F13, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.

Settings: Aperture F13, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.

Settings: Aperture F13, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.

Settings: Aperture F13, ISO 125, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec. does not display third party advertisements because we believe information and knowledge that informs or protects the public, should be (clutter)free.

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