Photography Light Set-up: 3 Point Portrait lighting
In this photography tutorial video I will show you what camera settings and light set-up I used for my portrait photoshoot with Marly, aka PUNCHINGPICTURES. Learn some tips and tricks for beginners on lighting for portrait photography, and shooting with a model in a studio.
Settings: Aperture F1.8, ISO 160, Shutterspeed 1/800 sec.
I love working with my Lastolite triflector. Out of all my reflectors, I often go for my triflector when it comes to beauty and fashion portraits taken in a studio (and even outside, I often use the Lastolite reflectors!). The triflector creates beautiful catchlights in the eyes, and takes away shadows in the face (when your light set-up is good); definitely something we want in a portrait photoshoot, especially a fashion one.
In this light setup for portrait photography I used 2 different lighting techniques. The first set-up, as explained in this light setup tutorial video, was 3 continuous lights; two from the side, and one from above, as you can see in the video.
Settings: Aperture F3.5, ISO 200, Shutterspeed 1/200 sec.
In the last light set-up I added a blue led light to create an interesting light effect. Out of all lighting techniques, the three-way light set-up is definitely one of my favourites in portrait photography.
Settings: Aperture F4.0, ISO 250, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.
Settings: Aperture F4.5, ISO 250, Shutterspeed 1/160 sec.
Settings: Aperture F1.2, ISO 160, Shutterspeed 1/1250 sec.
Settings: Aperture F1.2, ISO 160, Shutterspeed 1/2000 sec.
Settings: Aperture F1.6, ISO 160, Shutterspeed 1/800 sec.
Settings: Aperture F4.5, ISO 250, Shutterspeed 1/125 sec. does not display third party advertisements because we believe information and knowledge that informs or protects the public, should be (clutter)free.
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