Dutch Racist And Bully-Youtuber 'SnapKing' Now Faces Rape Court Case
A ‘bully-youtuber’ from the Netherlands will have to appear in court April 2019, because he’s been accused of raping a girl and distributing child pornography images and videos of the assault. A court hearing was already scheduled in January, but the man decided it wasn’t important for him to attend the hearing. Dutch Court has now ordered he needs to be present during the April hearing.
Tim van Teunenbroek, ‘SnapKing’. Photo: Youtube
According to newspaper Telegraaf, Tim van Teunenbroek (22), better known as ‘SnapKing’ or ‘DieTim’, sent the images and videos of the assault to family members of the girl, and fellow students at her school. He supposedly also threatened the father of the child. The man is suspected to have forced a girl to have sex with him, between December 2013 and June 2014. Because the youtuber was a minor himself at the time, the court hearing will be forced behind closed doors.
Fame-whoring through ex-girlfriend, cheating, racism and abuse of the disabled
Tim van Teunenbroek seems to be a fame-whore who will do anything for attention and money. He’s the ex of a more-known youtuber in the Netherlands, Famke Louise, and has made name for cheating on her after using her to become famous. He tried to ‘apologise’ for his actions to Famke after she hinted in a song about his infidelity. He later admitted he apologised on camera for views and to pitch his new youtube series.
Music video of Famke Louise where she calls out her ex.
Van Teunenbroek’s youtube channel mainly revolves around banter but there are also straight out bully-videos. In May 2018 the youtuber was sentenced to a community service, because he had bullied and humiliated a supermarket employee with Down Syndrome. Van Teunenbroek made a video of the bullying and shared it on his youtube channel for views. He apologised in court for his actions.
Tim van Teunenbroek, ‘SnapKing’. Photo: Youtube
Tim van Teunenbroek, ‘SnapKing’. Photo: Youtube
Snapking also came under fire in 2017, for telling his fans - many of them children - to call an expensive 0909-number to talk to him. About 6450 fans tried to call him, but only 5 people actually spoke to him - some of them less than half a minute - and the others were put on hold. The fans together paid about 13.000 euro for this stunt.
In 2016, Snapking was sent away from videochannel MCN, after he ordered food, verbally abused an asian woman who was taking his order, and uploaded the video online. “Dirty slut you are. Chinese whore-slut” Snapking said. “I want to cum in your eyes, sperm in your eyes”, “Dirty cancer-whore” and “I want to stick my eggroll in you, Chinese”, are among some of the disgusting things Tim Van Teunenbroek said.
Dutch people done with his crap
This month, Dutch show RamBam decided to set a trap for Snapking in an episode about influencer marketing. They got in touch with him ‘from Bangkok’ and asked van Teunenbroek to promote an unhealthy energy-drink that contained 10 times the amount of taurine allowed in these beverages. Snapking and his manager didn’t seem to have any problem with it, considering the offer meant money.
Tim van Teunenbroek tried to ‘defend’ himself and said among others “this is my job” and that if he would get an offer, he would engage with it. He also said “What isn’t unhealthy these days. Everybody is turning this into a drama”.
Youtube, in the meantime, sees no reason to ban ‘SnapKing’, who now goes by ‘DieTim’. His channel is still online, and has almost half a million subscribers.
Petition: Ask youtube to ban predators and abusers from Youtube, here.
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