Fake Edible UV Glow in the Dark Blood Recipe - PhotoandGrime.com

In the Netherlands in 2015, of 1265 reported rapes only 85 led to a conviction. That’s 6.7%. In 2016, 6500 victims of sexual violence were registered with Slachtofferhulp in The Netherlands. 9 in 10 were women or girls. Since 2017, the courts in the Netherlands have not once imposed the maximum prison sentence of 12 years for rape. The highest sentence imposed was 6 years, the lowest 21 days. On average, a convicted rapist in the Netherlands spends 1 year and 5 months in prison.

Fake Edible UV Glow in the Dark Blood Recipe

Fake Edible UV Glow in the Dark Blood Recipe

It's green in normal light, but glows red in blacklight! This fake edible glow blood recipe is something else. You can make spooky edible glow blood drinks with it, or SFX makeup! UV reactive fake blood that will glow in the dark in blacklight will surely enhance the spooky mood of any Halloween blacklight party. Not only does it glow, it's safe to eat and made from natural ingredients. In this DIY video I will show you how to make it.

The science behind this fake edible blood recipe is quite magical. The ingredient that makes it glow in blacklight (ultraviolet light) is chlorophyll: a green pigment you can find in green plants. Since you can extract chlorophyll from green vegetables, the recipe is edible indeed and not toxic. In the GIF above I put the glow blood in milk.

Chlorophyll is the base of this recipe, like I mentioned before. For this blood recipe I extracted chlorophyll from chlorella tablets. Chlorella is a single-celled green algae, and tends to adopt the flavours it is exposed to. It's high in protein, and considered a superfood. You can extract the chlorophyll from it (or any green plant) with oil, butter, or pure alcohol. Since I wanted to create liquid edible glow blood, I opted to extract the chlorophyll from chlorella with rice oil. Which is why I blended a bunch of chlorella tablets (which you can buy at health stores) with rice oil.

I recommend to do this in the dark, with your blacklight turned on, so you can slowly add more rice oil to your recipe, and see when the mix starts to glow red. Too much oil will destroy the red colour, so work slowly.

After extracting the chlorophyll from the chlorella tablets, you need to strain the oil to get rid of all the hard pieces. What you'll be left with is the red chlorophyll induced oil, which is green in normal light, but will glow red in the dark in blacklight.

You can safely use the edible UV glow blood as SFX makeup, during Halloween for example. Keep in mind that it's an oil, so it can leave stains (bloody ones in blacklight!).

Since rice oil has little flavour and chlorella adopts the taste of other strong flavours like sugar, you can put the edible glow blood on ice cream for example, and won't notice the original taste much. When you put a little of it in drinks, it will float on the surface of your drink (oil and water don't mix). I tasted the recipe myself (as you can see in the video) and it doesn't taste bad at all. It's just a bit oily, but when you use it in small amounts on your food or in drinks, that isn't unhealthy at all!

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