Demons: Indirect Light Painting with UV Makeup
Can you create a demon with light? Yes! In this photoshoot I used indirect light painting - something I often refer to as reflective light painting - to turn myself into one. What I used? Ultraviolet light (blacklight) and PaintGlow UV reactive face paint.
Settings: Aperture F9, ISO 100, Shutterspeed 0.6 sec.
Light painting: A photography technique in which exposures are made by moving a hand-held light source while taking a long exposure photograph, either to illuminate a subject or to shine a point of light directly at the camera.
Settings: Aperture F9, ISO 100, Shutterspeed 0.6 sec.
Since UV reactive face paint glows in the dark in blacklight, and emits light, I used the paint as my light source for these light painting self-portraits. Hence: indirect, or reflective light painting.
Settings: Aperture F9, ISO 100, Shutterspeed 0.6 sec.
Working with long exposures can create distorted images. In my case this was exactly what I wanted, to bring out the demon inside of me.
Settings: Aperture F9, ISO 100, Shutterspeed 0.6 sec.
Settings: Aperture F9, ISO 100, Shutterspeed 0.6 sec. does not display third party advertisements because we believe information and knowledge that informs or protects the public, should be (clutter)free.
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